برزنتيشن قصير عن الماء

إجابة معتمدة

برزنتيشن قصير عن الماء، أن الماء هو أساس هذه الحياة وأنه سر وجود هذا الكون وهو ما يميز به كوكب الأرض وهذا عن غيره من الكواكب الأخرى، ومن هنا سوف نتطرق الى موضوع قصير عن الماء، water is about seventy percent of the earths surface> It is in the shape of water bodies of seas, rivers, oceans and lakes, as well as some artificial water bodies that humans inhabit, such as dam lakes and aqueducts.

برزنتيشن قصير عن الماءlموضوع قصير عن الماء.

الإجابة:   water is one of the vital matters for all creatures on the Earth, without water there is no life for a plant, animal, or human being, due to the extreme importance of water in life, as we use water for drinking, cooking, hygiene, and other things, even building houses needs water

And God Almighty has blessed us with many sources from which we can obtain water, and the most important of these sources are the rains, which fall on barren desert lands and green crops grow in them

And other water sources as ground water and wells fresh rivers that irrigate humans, animals and plants of all kinds and forms, such as the Nile RiverAnd the Tigris and Euphrates, the Seine, and many other rivers

برزنتيشن قصير عن الماء

الإجابة:   water is one of the vital matters for all creatures on the Earth, without water there is no life for a plant, animal, or human being, due to the extreme importance of water in life, as we use water for drinking, cooking, hygiene, and other things, even building houses needs water

And God Almighty has blessed us with many sources from which we can obtain water, and the most important of these sources are the rains, which fall on barren desert lands and green crops grow in them

And other water sources as ground water and wells fresh rivers that irrigate humans, animals and plants of all kinds and forms, such as the Nile RiverAnd the Tigris and Euphrates, the Seine, and many other river